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Adams, Charles Francis

Aguinaldo, Emilio

Aldrich, Nelson

Anthony, Susan B.

Arthur, Chester

Arthur, Chester A.

Barnum, P. T.

Barnum, William

Bayard, Thomas

Beecher, Henry Ward

Belmont, August

Bennett, James Gordon, Jr.

Bismarck, Otto von

Blaine, James G.

Blair, Henry W.

Breckinridge, John C.

Bryan, William Jennings

Buchanan, James

Burton, Theodore

Butler, Benjamin

Carlisle, John

Carnegie, Andrew

Cass, Lewis

Chase, Salmon P.

Claxton, Kate

Clem, Johnny

Cleveland, Frances Folsom

Cleveland, Grover

Conkling, Roscoe

Cox, S. S. “Sunset”

Croker, Richard

Czolgosz, Leon

Dana, Charles

Darwin, Charles

Davis, David

Davis, Jefferson

Debs, Eugene

Devery, William

Dickens, Charles

Disraeli, Benjamin

Dorsheimer, William

Douglas, Stephen

Edmunds, George

Edson, Franklin

Edward, Prince of Wales

Emperor Franz Josef

English, William

Fairbanks, Charles

Fenton, Reuben

Field, David Dudley

Flower, Roswell

Flynn, Maurice

Foraker, Joseph B.

Fremont, John C.

Garfield, James

Garibaldi, Giuseppe

George, Henry

Gorman, Arthur Pue

Gould, Jay

Grant, Ulysses S.

Grant, Ulysses S. Grant

Greeley, Horace

Guiteau, Charles

Hancock, Winfield S.

Hanna, Mark

Harrison, Benjamin

Hearst, William Randolph

Hendricks, Thomas

Hewitt, Abram

Hill, David B.

Hoffman, John

Ingersoll, Robert

Jackson, Andrew

Jefferson, Thomas

Jewell, Marshall

Johnson, Andrew

Johnson, Reverdy

Johnson, Tom L.

Kaiser Wilhelm

Kelly, John

Kerr, Michael

Lee, Robert E.

Lincoln, Abraham

Logan, John

Low, Seth

Marble, Manton

Matthews, Stanley

McClellan, George B., Jr.

McClellan, George B., Sr.

McKelway, St. Clair

McKinley, William

McLaughlin, Hugh

Moody, William H.

Morrissey, John

Most, Johann

Napoleon III

Nast, Thomas

Nicholas II

Parker, Alton B.

Parsons, Herbert

Payne, Henry C.

Pendleton, George

Pierce, Franklin

Platt, Thomas C.

Pope Pius IX

Potter, Clarkson N.

Pulitzer, Joseph

Queen Victoria

Randall, Samuel J.

Reed, Thomas B.

Reid, Whitelaw

Revels, Hiram

Robinson, Lucius

Roosevelt, Theodore

Root, Elihu

Rosebery, Lord (Archibald Philip Primrose)

Saint John, John P.

Schurz, Carl

Scott, Winfield

Seward, William Henry

Seymour, Horatio

Shepard, Edward M.

Sherman, John

Sigel, Franz

Smith, Henry "Hank"

Spencer, Herbert

Squire, Rollin

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

Stephens, Alexander

Stevenson, Adlai

Sumner, Charles

Taft, William Howard

Thurman, Allen

Tilden, Samuel

Tilden, Samuel J.

Tod, David

Toombs, Robert

Twain, Mark

Vallandigham, Clement

Vanderbilt, Cornelius

Washington, George

Wilde, Oscar

Wood, Benjamin

Wood, Fernando

Woodhull, Victoria

Young, Brigham

“The Latest from Florida”
April 18, 2024


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